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Our Mission
Sacred Heart School is a Catholic Partnership School located in the neighborhood of Waterfront South, Camden. Sacred Heart serves children in grades Pre-K to Eight. Sacred Heart School provides a safe environment in a challenged city that empowers students to act justly, love freely and walk humbly with God. Our dedicated educators, in partnership with families, ensure that students develop respect, a sense of justice and a desire to persevere, through a rigorous faith-based, student-centered education all rooted in Gospel values.
Our beliefs
- It is essential that our faculty and staff strive to educate and model to our students the importance of social justice and to encourage students to be proactive in improving their communities
- Parents are the primary educators of our students. Therefore, our faculty and staff must work hard to create a partnership between the home and the school. That partnership can provide mutual support for the child.
- It is our responsibility to push education and hard work as the most powerful tools to achieve a better future.
- A commitment to continual improvement and growth of school is essential for the education of our students in preparing them to confront the challenges of their future.
- Our faculty, staff, and students must be strongly encouraged to mirror Christ’s life in showing love of God and each other.
- Sacred Heart School exists to create a safe, Christian environment for students to be able to excel in education by challenging and empowering them to become responsible and contributing Christians in Society.

Sacred Heart School is a member of Catholic Partnership Schools (also known as “The Partnership” or “CPS” for short). Catholic Partnership Schools was established in 2008 and became a formally recognized 501(c)(3) in 2010. The Camden initiative – prompted by the imminent threat of additional school closures in a city that couldn’t afford them – is based on extensive research and analysis about how best to retain Catholic education’s cultural and academic strengths and best practices. The Partnership’s mission is to sustain safe and nurturing schools that inspire and prepare each of its students for rigorous, college preparatory or technical high schools. The model represents a new approach to Catholic urban education. Five once-separate and parish-based elementary schools are now administered by a single non-profit entity that centralizes financial, academic and operational management and oversight.
To learn more about The Partnership feel free to visit their website at https://www.catholicpartnershipschools.org/